Do I need any writing experience to join your groups?
Absolutely not! The whole point is that is non critical, wide open space for exploration whatever your background in writing. And conversely, hardcore writers will also be able to enjoy and develop their writing.
Do I have to share my writing in class?
No, it’s your choice. I encourage sharing but with the caveat it has to feel right for you and it’s way less scary and more liberating that you imagine I promise. But you can always opt to pass. And I remind people to always be mindful of their own boundaries with this.
What’s the deal with confidentiality?
All writing groups are safe spaces with the understanding and agreement that anything shared in the group is to stay within the group. Any group that involves a WhatsApp group with fellow participants is based on optional participation in this element of it and I won’t add you without consent.
Is this like therapy?
Although it can be therapeutic, cathartic and even healing, I am not a therapist or trained to be one in any way so my general advice is, if you’re talking about something in therapy or it’s very live for you right now, it might not be the time to bring it to class. This is to protect you and everyone.